Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wanna be Bollywood

Hello everybody! I have a free time before do Semester Exam so, I used my time to fill this blog :p hehe
India, is one of most influential country in world movies. India's film can we say Bollywood film. Singing, dancing, running at the garden and hiding behind the tree is the characteristic of Bollywood films. SahruKhan and Kajol is the famous actor and actress. Beside that, from my deepest heart I'm amazed with Bollywood film.

me :)

How's? Is it now my look like Kajol? :p

Now I used bracket, to make my teeth more good than before. When I asked everyone around me, all of them agree with that. haha and now I fell hurt, strange, and uncomfortable with my mouth.
Much Thanks :*

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