Friday, August 17, 2012

diy Flower Headband

Now I want to share about my d.i.y Flower Headband :D
Hope you like it :)

To make this cute flower headband just need your creativity to range the flower :) and Foila! this flower headband ready to make your head more beautiful :)

p.s if you want to have this cute Flower Headband just comment this photo or contact me on twitter, bbm, etc :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Break Fasting with PASIFIC KINGDOM

Hallo everyone
after long time I didn't posted something in my blog and now I"m back!
beside that, I wanna say 'thank you' for all of my visitors, who always open-read-comment-follow-close this absurd blog, thank you very much #kissandhug

our Ramadhan month isn't complete if we don't join Bukber or Buka Bersama or Break fasting together.
yap, it's so fun and I like did it because we can break our fasting together with our friends!
And last week on 10th August, me and my junior high school classmates PASIFIC KINGDOM held break fasting together at Tata's house :)
and it's full of happiness, laugh, scream and togetherness..

me, prilly, tifa

me and tifa

yeah we are Pasific Kingdom!

tata, me and anggun

with my best, ulfa

Time flow so fast, we have been 4 years together, hope we are always together forever :* Love ya Pasific Kingdom :*

with the Anniversary Cake


Thanks for that night! See you next year :p

gita, nur, me and ami

p.s miss you so much M.Nugra Adiguna Wilian, Onik Imanniar, Rizky Lolina Shaumy, and Arista Suwadji {} it's gonna more fun if you're here :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Happy Fasting Everyone!

In this time i just wanna say:
Hope in this Ramadhan we can be more good than before and we can bring positive effect to everyone.
And sorry if I have mistake to you all, let's start from zero again. Let's Fastabiqul Khairat in this Ramadhan! :)
so, don't miss this beautiful month :) Allah bless you :)


Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Hello everyone!! I'm back wohoooo \m/
After I passed my exam and Alhamdulillah my rapor is so good :) And now I'm free!! It's mean Holiday!! and for my holiday I went to Makassar! City of harbour, culture and absolutely  many seafood restaurants (even I just can eat fish). And I will show you the picture soon :p

I really hate separation even I know "setiap ada pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan". but I still hate it, because separation just can make miss and tears...

I wanna still being kid, cause I don't know sad and separation. I just know happy and meet new friends, meet new experience! But time keep run.. and I keep grow to old.

And now, I will feel it, because my bestfriend Aulia will continue her collage in Jakarta Amin :) and it means she can't play with me, chat with me, until hang out with me again.. although that I always support her ang I promise we still keep ini touch by the modern technology. And wait me in Jakarta Aul :)

Beside that, i'm felling so bad because my Best M.Nugra Adiguna Wilian.. he was leave us to meet our Lord Allah SWT. I think it's too fast, cause I feel like meet him yesterday and now he was leave us. But, It was the best way for Allah and we can't reject it. So, I just hope Allah give him the best place..In Heaven :) We Love You Prince #14. And thanks for always beside us :)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

S2C - Smansa Schools Competition

Bagi seluruh pelajar SMA dan SMP di pulau Lombok dan Sumbawa ada berita baik untuk kalian semua, OSIS SMAN 1 Mataram mempersembahkan:

atau S2C adalah Kompetisi terspektakuler dan terbesar di Nusa Tenggara Barat yang didedikasikan untuk pelajar SMA dan SMP di pulau Lombok dan Sumbawa yang berbakat, kreatif dan berani berjuang untuk berkompetisi. Di S2C ada banyak cabang yang dilombakan, mulai dari yang akademik dan non akademik jadi dijamin acaranya gak ngebosenin tapi tetep berimbang. Mau tau apa aja lombanya? Check this out!

  1. Sains Olimpiade kompetisi olimpiade khusus untuk tinggat SMP yang terdiri dari cabang pelajaran Matematika, Biologi, dan Kimia. Selain mendapat hadiah, para pemenang juga direkomendasikan untuk masuk SMAN 1 Mataram. so insteresting right?
  2. Fashion Mix n' Match this competition is for you who has passion in fashion. So, you can mix and match modern style with Indonesian's original style to be gorgeous style :)
  3.  English Debate is for you guys who has argument skill, to solve the public question. Many presents waiting...
  4. Vocal Group, lomba menyanyi dimana terdiri dari beberapa orang dalam satu grup dimana semua anggotanya merupakan siswa di sekolah yang sama. Tunjukkan suara emasmu pada dunia!!!
  5. King/Queen Blogger 2012, jadi lomba ini didedikasikan untuk pelajar Nusa Tenggara Barat yang suka ngepost di blog. like me. Jadi buruan ikutan, hadiahnya menarik lho ;)
  6. And the last.. Raja and Ratu Gombal. Buat kalian yang suka ngegombal, ikut yuk! soalnya lomba ini hanya khusus untuk 10 orang dan dilaksanakan pada hari Final, hadiahnya dijamin deh :)
Banyak banget ya lombanya, jadi gak ada alasan buat gak ikut berpartisipasi dalam acara yang diadakan OSIS SMAN 1 Mataram ini. karena, selain mendapat pengalaman baru, teman baru, dan hadiah baru (kalau menang) tapi ada satu hal yang penting that's challenge our self, apakah kita mampu lebih dari orang lain sehingga kita ada kemauan untuk terus maju. And don't forget, Ada banyak banget hadiah yang disediakan panitia S2C. Let's join the competition and be the best!
FYI, Final dan pengumuman lomba akan dilaksanakan dan diumumkan pada 27 Mei 2012 di Gedung Sime Darby, Mataram, NTB dengan bintang tamu Raditya Dika (stand up comedy artist) dan Ary Juliant (singer)

Tunggu apalagi, segera beli tiket Final Smansa School Competition di Stand SMAN 1 Mataram yang selalu buka dari pukul 16.00-18.00 WITA di SMAN 1 Mataram, Di Galeri Indosat (Depan Mataram Mall) atau di V-Radio (Jl. Swasembada 55b Kekalik Mataram). Grab it fast!

For more information:
Follow @S2C_2012
Add facebook group Smansa Schools Competition 2012  


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pastel Hijab

today i just shared about my new style and my new favorite color, that's Hijab and Pastel :)

hope you like it! :) sorry for waste your time and happy wednesday! :D


On April 31th till May 1st 2012, my school SMAN 1 Mataram held Pensi (Pentas Seni) it's the place where all class of 11 grade in my school can perform their band, vocal group, traditional dance, modern dance, and padus (like vocal group but all member of the class sing together) then they can make all of that in one good performances. And my class, XI acceleration - AXLARETALE joined too.
At Pensi my class took Pirates Party Theme, because it's cool and unique. beside that all of us want to tell a whole of school that we are the pirates! brave, creative, never give up, and dangerous haha :p. On Pensi, I'm as Traditional Dancer and I danced Sasak Traditional Dance :)
Check this out!

Thank you Mom, for the make up and took this photo :* you're the best!


still opening

master of ceremony, Fyan and Ami. you rock \m/

I'm so pretty right? ;)

Traditional Dance

Vocal Group

The Band

very beauty :)

you rock!

cool girl!

the sweet vocalist

Modern Dance

for 4 weeks we was work hard to make our Pensi great. many unpredictable incident can we past together. cry, laugh, sick, always support, work hard we do together. And Alhamdulillah our work can make us be the 3rd Winner and my best Rani win as the best Drummer! Hip Hip Huray!

I always remember my friend, Rista said that :''Yang penting kita ihklas, menang itu cuma bonus" and you know what we got the Bonus! Bravo Axlaretale Pirates!
Pensi was held a week ago. And I miss that moment :)