Hello everyone!! I'm back wohoooo \m/
After I passed my exam and Alhamdulillah my rapor is so good :) And now I'm free!! It's mean Holiday!! and for my holiday I went to Makassar! City of harbour, culture and absolutely many seafood restaurants (even I just can eat fish). And I will show you the picture soon :p
I really hate separation even I know "setiap ada pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan". but I still hate it, because separation just can make miss and tears...
I wanna still being kid, cause I don't know sad and separation. I just know happy and meet new friends, meet new experience! But time keep run.. and I keep grow to old.
And now, I will feel it, because my bestfriend Aulia will continue her collage in Jakarta Amin :) and it means she can't play with me, chat with me, until hang out with me again.. although that I always support her ang I promise we still keep ini touch by the modern technology. And wait me in Jakarta Aul :)
Beside that, i'm felling so bad because my Best M.Nugra Adiguna Wilian.. he was leave us to meet our Lord Allah SWT. I think it's too fast, cause I feel like meet him yesterday and now he was leave us. But, It was the best way for Allah and we can't reject it. So, I just hope Allah give him the best place..In Heaven :) We Love You Prince #14. And thanks for always beside us :)